Saturday, March 22, 2008

Day 9

Today's blog is extra credit.


Autumn said...

Prosecutor alleges Spitzer ordered dirty tricks

**This is a topic of my choice. I read about it on in the politics section.**

So, everyone remembers the New York governor, Eliot Spitzer that resigned from his position for having relations with a prostitute. Well it was possible that he could be indicted for perjury charges. A prosecutor stated on Friday that he might have lied when he told investigators he wasn’t deeply involved in a plot that used a republican rival’s travel records in an effort to embarrass him. Spitzer could have been indicted if he didn’t resign. His former communications director, Darren Dopp, recounted conversations and e-mails that indicated that he directly ordered him in a profanity-laced exchange to give a reporter records regarding Senate republican leader Joseph Bruno’s use of state aircraft on days he attended republican fundraisers. Dopp was granted immunity for his testimony in Soares’ second investigation of the 2007 scandal. Dopp faced possible perjury charges for a statement released by the Spitzer administration about the scandal differed from his own testimony, but Soares found out Friday that he did not commit perjury. Soares’ report stated, “If Dopp’s testimony is credited then former Governor Spitzer’s answers were not truthful. Accordingly, we intended to present these conflicting accounts to a grand jury.” Spitzer’s resignation this month made it impossible to charge him because he was no longer a public employee. The statue for perjury states that one must be under oath in a court of law. Spitzer never testified under oath in the travel-records scandal. A statue that required public officials to answer questions truthfully instead bound him or they would face a charge of obstructing justice. The first issue I want to address is that I am a criminal justice student and I’m taught to uphold the law, but in this case I think he should have gotten in trouble. Especially if he lied while, still the governor. I completely understand why he didn’t get charged. Next, I didn’t really discuss what happened with the governor and the prostitute, but everyone pretty much knows what happened because it was such big news and I wanted to state my opinion on that. I think that the governor should have resigned for his position. I know he committed an illegal act, but it’s not like it was a violent act. It was an act that should have been private. If he had committed these acts in Nevada then he wouldn’t have had to resign because prostitution is legal. I believe that he should have fought to say in his position.

Miss.Lovely said...

Lovely Jackson
Blog 9
Emerging China
The New Economy has hit China, driven by the Internet and e-commerce. China has made a good start in both areas. Since its debut, subscribers to the Internet grew exponentially from a mere 1,600 in 1994 to 16.9 million in mid-2000. E-commerce transactions registered total revenue of 200 million Yuan in 1999, or double as much as in 1998. B2C e-commerce is expected to grow by 300% in 2000. However, the rapid growth of the sectors is constrained by factors such as a small base of registered users, high costs of using the Internet, government control of information access, and lack of an effective distribution network and economic linkage. Internet businesses are also losing money due to exorbitant charges for telephone
lines, an uncertain regulatory environment, and direct competition from the telecommunications operators dominating the market. Nonetheless, the high growth potential of the two sectors is still well recognized by foreign multinationals. Despite China's manifest prohibition of foreign involvement, foreign companies have managed to enter the Chinese market by forming strategic alliances with domestic concern. It appears that China prefers a smooth and orderly process of market opening based on a more effective regulatory regime such as licensing arrangements.
This book is intended for readers interested in China's Internet and e-commerce sectors. Businessmen, corporate planners, business associates, researchers, engineers, technologists, academics and students interested in these industries will find the book useful. Focusing on China's nascent Internet and e-commerce industries, this book presents the historical development, current market status and future growth, as well as discusses the problems and issues facing the two sectors.

susan said...

Susan Jones
Blog 8

Torture Has Escalated in Iraq
More than four years of the United States occupation and also with the fall of Saddam Hussein, have done little to curb the torture that is in Iraq. The level of torture has escalated as the country has descended into what seems to be the civil war. A UN official by the name of Manfred Nowak said the “many people say it is worse than it has been in the times of Saddam Hussein.” The use of torture is extremely out of control. Some of the bodies that were brought to the Baghdad morgue have had signs of acid-induced injuries, broken limbs and wounds that were caused by power drills and nails. Most of the torture is being perpetrated mostly by the Shiite ministries of the Interior and Defense. The Human Rights advocates say the widespread use of torture is being fueled by the lack of law and order and the continued employment officials who previously used torture during the Saddam regime. In 2007, the British and Iraqi Special Forces raided the office of an Iraqi government intelligence agency; they found prisoners who exhibited signs of torture. Torture has continued since the start of the United States military in Iraq.
The torture is definitely increasing in Iraq. I think that this type of behavior is uncalled -for and very harsh. No one deserves to be tortured in any way.

Kristen said...

Pg. 185
Will the G-8 summit at Gleneagles ultimately help Africa?

This article was written in the form of a debate between Stephen C. Smith, Professor of Economics and International Affairs, George Washington University and George B.N. Ayittey , Distinguished Economist, American University; President, Free Africa Foundation.
Mr. Smith argued that the G-8 summit would re-emphasize the importance of assisting in the elimination of extreme poverty, especially in Africa. He believes that the U.S. has a “moral obligation to help”. Without this aid, the world would be more “vulnerable to the spread of disease” as well as the misuse and over use of natural resources.
Mr. Ayittey countered by stating his belief that the billions of dollars we (U.S.) are spending are either squandered due to corruption or misappropriated due to lack of competent leadership. He stated that he believes that the money that has been set aside for Africa, in particular—an estimated $148 billion has been lost annually to corrupt practices. Mr. Ayittey also mentioned that the quest for independence in Africa doesn’t seem to be making progress. Civil wars are costing millions to “clean up after” and he does not feel that Africa is doing its fair share of helping itself.
I am a firm believer in the old adage,” Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime.” I think that Africa is one of many nations that are on the “list” of countries that need assistance and, in order for them to succeed; they are in need of empowerment and education. Additional foreign investments, thorough training, and technical assistance would greatly increase the odds of re-building Africa’s more impoverished areas quicker and with greater chance of effectiveness.

johhar said...

With the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina behind us, many people believe that the Earth is
only going to get warmer unless we lessen our dependency on fossil fuels. With many coastal
cities, island nations, and entire ecosystems at threat many people believe that the American
government is downplaying this serious threat to society just to benefit their wallets. However,
does downplaying global warming actually save the American government money, or does it
cost it more in the long run due to climate change?
For decades, the American government has been debating the complexity of climate
change but has routinely failed to come together and agree on the solution to global warming.
Despite have enough data that links increased human activity to global warming and increasing
strong hurricanes, President Bush routinely stated “Climate change data are incomplete”
(Consensus, para. 3). President Bush in September 2001 acknowledges “That global warming is occurring but doubts that human activity is the cause” (Consensus, para.4). However, as
politicians argue over this “incomplete data”, millions of people are at risk of dying from famine due to the increasing frequency of severe droughts that global warming has caused. It appears to me that the data is very much complete but President Bush just refuses to accept partial blame for the ecological damage that global warming has caused.
The months prior to the Kyoto Protocol taking effect, which curb the amount of carbon dioxide being poured into the atmosphere, the Bush administration was working hard to keep an eight-nation report on global warming from being released to the American Public. President
Bush argued that “The Arctic Council, which has been examining the Arctic climate for years,
lacks evidence” (Wants, para.1) that global warming exists. However, studies indicated that not only was the Arctic Regions warming at a much faster rate than the rest of the world but that
many civilizations and entire species that depended on the sea ice for survival were in threat of
disappearing forever. This warming that is taking place in the Arctic Regions was occurring just
as quick in the Antarctic Regions. In 2005, an iceberg the size of California fell into the sea. Just
last month “570 square kilometers of ice from the Wilkins Ice Shelf fell into the sea putting the
entire ice shelf at risk (Effects, para. 3). President Bush believes that there is absolutely no
evidence of global warming but icebergs the size of California breaking off the Antarctic Icecap
and the disappearance of entire island chains in the South Pacific indicate to me a whole different
We might see the rising sea levels occurring with each passing hurricane but what we
do not see as easy is the shifting tree lines. “Over the past century trees has shifted 100 ft
upslope” (Flora, para. 2). Many of the trees in the Sierra Nevada Mountain Range that are not
dying back due to extreme heat and drought are dying back due to fierce insect attacks. As these
forests dye off so does the forest animals that depend on these trees for food and shelter. Scientists in Costa Rica had found “That two-thirds off 110 species of the country’s frogs have vanished” (Fauna, para. 4). The most obvious evidence of a species in peril due to global warming is the polar bear. Hundreds of polar bears turn up dead every summer due to the bears falling through the thinning ice. The mass dyings that is occurring worldwide is scientific
evidence for me. However, these mass dyings do not directly affect the rich so why should President Bush take a step to control global warming.
Since taking into effect on February 16, 2005, the Kyoto Protocol’s main goal is to reduce the emissions of carbon dioxide. As of November, 2007, over 170 countries have signed and agreed to the Kyoto Protocol. However, the United States refuses to agree to the terms of the Kyoto Protocol. According to President Bush “The Kyoto Protocol will put an undue strain on the economy” (United States, para. 4). What is more damaging to the economy? The United States agreeing to the terms of the Kyoto Protocol and reducing the about of carbon dioxide that we produce, or the raise of food prices that is felt every time consumers go grocery shopping and this sharp increase of prices is the result of severe droughts that is brought on by global warming. If I had to pick between reducing the greenhouse-gas emissions and keeping grocery prices down, or keeping policies as they are by allowing greenhouse-gases continue to skyrocket along with grocery prices I pick reducing greenhouse-gas emissions because paying $10.00 for a gallon of milk is not high on my "Want to do" list.
While the United States Government refuses to acknowledge, the Kyoto Protocol many
large cities and several states participate in the Kyoto Protocol. As of December, 2007, 740 US
cities and 12 states agree to reduce greenhouse gases in accordance to the Kyoto Protocol. Some states, such as the State of California, has taken an extra step of developing their own plans to combat global warming. In August, 2006, the State of California created the Global Warming Solutions Act which “Reduces the state’s greenhouse-gas emissions by 25% by the year 2020”
(Local governments, para. 2). The target emissions reduction is around 5%. However, despite the
fact there are 740 cities and 12 states that agree to the Kyoto Protocol which represent over 76
million Americans, greenhouse emissions has risen over 21% over the past 15 years. With
California’s ever growing, and changing economy, this just proves that a government can set a
goal to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions without doing any harm to the economy. However, I
cannot expect a president who has close ties to the U.S. Oil Industry understand the need to
reduce greenhouse-gas emissions.
While politicians argue between themselves whether or not the Kyoto Protocol should even be implemented, economists have been working hard “Analyzing the overall benefits of the Kyoto Protocol through cost-benefit analysis” (Cost-benefit, para. 1). Many government
auditors believe that “Observing the Kyoto Protocol is more expensive than not observing the
Kyoto Protocol” (Cost-benefit, para. 1). The government claims that the Kyoto Protocol is a
failure that could drop the Gross Domestic Product by up to twenty percent which could bring on
a severe recession. However, a study conducted by Nature Magazine reveals a totally different
outcome. This study indicates that, with the exception of a few remote areas, the overall costs
would instead drop. After Hurricanes Katrina and Rita devastated the Gulf Coast back in 2005, gas prices skyrocketed across the entire country. These raising gas prices translate to higher costs of transporting goods. Higher shipping costs translate to higher prices at the grocery store and higher prices at the grocery store means less money for the average American to spend else. So it
appears to me that by reducing greenhouse-gas emissions would not only save Americans untold
billions of dollars in higher fuel and food costs, but would also save America untold billions of
dollars that would otherwise be spent having to rebuild a major coastal city, such as New York
City, because it got hit by a land falling Katrina-size hurricane. I can't expect a president who does not even know what the price of a gallon of gasoline is have the knowledge of know what it is let having to choice between grocery money and gas money.
The evidence that I pointed out proves that not only does President Bush, his administartion, and his corporate backers refuse to accept the fact that global warming is currently taking place and that the rise in greenhouse-gas emissions can lead to warmer global temperatures but that President Bush and his administartion only cares about themself and no one else. However, I believe that global warming does not have to take place if Americans were to take it upon themselves to recycle and turn off lights when leaving the room for any length of time, regardless whether or not the government believes that global warming is even taking place.

......And the government had the nerve to call me an "Extremely simple man" because of my speech impairment (rolling eyes). Yea, right!!!!! They need to take a long look at themselves before they cast the next stone.