Saturday, March 22, 2008

Day 4 extra credit blog

Today's blog is for extra credit.


johhar said...

ADA purpose?

Early this evening I was brousing through a chat room when I noticed someone asking the question "What is the purpose of the ADA of 1990?" This person asked this question not only because the company that she worked for as a secretary refuse to accommodate her due to a back injury that she received from a car accident but neither the state of New Jersy nor the federal government wants to help this lady out. No surprise here.

This was my response to her question:
ADA is suppose to protect the civil rights of the disabled, INCLUDING protecting the disabled from pay and job discrimination, but I found out on at least two occasions that the ADA of 1990 is a load of horse manure and nothing more.

The first time occurred back in December,1992, after having the pleasure of being told by my US Congressman, the Dishonorable Herb Bateman of Virginia, "The disabled have no rights to live much less deserve equal protection under the law" all because I had the nerve to question a discriminatory that dates back to 1938 that grants employers the right to pay the disabled employees below minimum wage.

The second time occurred 12 years later, in November, 2004, and after breaking my left elbow at work 6 months earlier, I had the pleasure of being not only called "An extremely simple man" by the Communist-Wealth of Virginia but I also haD the pleasure of being told by this ever-so-wonderful state "You need to stick to jobs that you know how to do because he lacks the mentality to do much of anything else". This means cleaning up after the "normal people of society" all because of my speech impairment, despite having 5 years computer experience with a prior job, and was working at Siemens as a machinist at the time the Communist-Wealth of Virginia made these very insulting statements questioning my intelligence all because of the slight speech impairment that I had where apparently Seimens thought that I could do more than "Scrub some filthy toilet for a living." BTW, Virginia saw just how "Simple" I can be because I wrote a two page letter to my State Congressman, State Senator, the Governor of Virginia, and the Worker's Comp Board demanding an apology. Along with this letter I faxed them my resume, the documents where she made this insulting commit about me, over 30 worth of paperwork that I faxed to each person, for a total of over 130 pages of documentation that got faxed within a course of an hour's time. I won my case, she lost her job.

Despite winning my case back in 2004, these two incidents that happened to me not only goes totally against what the ADA is suppose to protect but it also proves just how hypocritical the American Government really is. This is just my thoughts about the ADA and this why I think "The ADA of 1990 is a load of horse manure and nothing more."

.....And the US Constitution states that "All men are created equal." What a cruel joke.

susan said...

Susan Jones
Blog 4
No Panaceas
The Human Rights advocates feel that countries who have tortured in the past are more likely to continue this type of act as a result of the United States government policies. China in which is rising in power, is an abuser itself and they are afraid that China will do business with countries who have histories of abuse in Central Asia and Africa. The United States interrogation policy depends heavily on the 2008 election outcome. The democrats say they would close the Guantanamo facility down. Mitt Romney said that he would double the size of the facility if he were president.
I think that no matter what happens, the problem will still occur. Even if the facility would be closed down; they would still have to provide somewhere for the suspects to go. Therefore the problem would still arise in any situation.

Miss.Lovely said...

Lovely Jackson Blog 4
Energy nationalism has been on the increase for some time, with oil- and gas-rich states such as Russia and Venezuela flexing their strength in foreign markets and harassing private-sector operators at home. Oil-producing countries are seizing domestic resources that were once shared with international oil companies, bolstering national corporate giants and even starting to buy energy assets abroad. Taken together, this wave of so-called energy nationalism is likely to continue to keep oil prices high next year, and beyond, analysts say. The main problem for the supply-demand balance rests further in the future. The International Energy Agency predicts that at current trends, global oil demand will surge to 99 million barrels per day in 2015 and 116 million barrels in 2030. This increase is expected to be led by China, India and the global transport sector as the lower cost of automobiles and airline travel further opens up those sectors, which in the near future have no viable energy alternative beyond oil.
The International Energy Agency has predicted a supply crunch in the world's oil markets that could send prices soaring and place a severe dent in global growth.
In a report that painted a bleak outlook for the global economy, the IEA said spare capacity in oil production would dry up over the next five years, even as demand continues to jump significantly.
"Oil and gas price pressures look set to remain in the coming years," the report said. "Slower-than-expected GDP growth may provide a breathing space, but it is abundantly clear that if the path of demand does not change on its own, it may well be driven to change by higher prices."
The gloomy prognosis puts consumers on warning for higher petrol prices at the pump, soaring utility bills and increased food prices as suppliers bear additional costs for bringing goods to market.

Autumn said...

Disapproval of American Polices Is Widespread

Pg. 42

There were 26,381 people in 25 different countries surveyed and more then half of the people surveyed disapprove of the United States’ role in several foreign policy areas. For the United States’ handling of North Korea’s nuclear program fifty-four percent disapprove, thirty percent approve, and sixteen percent have no opinion. For how the U.S. handles globe warming there were fifty-six percent who disapprove, twenty-seven percent who approved, and seventeen percent who had no opinion. For the United States handling of Iran’s nuclear program sixty percent disapprove twenty-eight percent approved, and twelve percent had no opinion. Sixty-five percent disapproved of the United States’ handling of the Israeli-Hezboliah war, twenty-one percent approved, and fourteen percent had no opinion. Last, the handling by the United States’ of the war in Iraq, Seventy-three percent disapproved of the handling by the U.S., twenty percent approved, and seven percent had no opinion. BBC World Service by the international polling firm Globescan conducted this poll. The countries used in this survey were Asia, Africa, Europe, South America, the Middle East, and the United States. They were surveyed between November 3,2006 and January 9, 2007. I believe that all these issues are important, but I think a few are more important then others. For instance, globe warming is on of the top things on my list that the U.S. should be handling better then they are. There might not be many things they could do, but the could at least try to get the world to “go green.” Before we know it the movie “The Day After Tomorrow” may come true. I don’t believe that anyone wants to see that happen. Another big thing on my list is the war in Iraq. I believe that president Bush handled things horrible in this matter. He is keeping our troops in Iraq to fight a never-ending war.

lscifres said...

I read Radical Mosque Says It Has Changed on Page 122. This section spoke of the East London Mosque and how it is trying to change the way the world see it. In the past this Mosque has been linked to radical hardcore Muslims, in the 1990 it was a seen as the center for young radical Muslims. But since the bombings on July 7,2005 this mosque has tried to teach a different non hatful way of Islam. It recognized that after the bombings there was a need to be caution. It hold sermons that teach that the Islamic belief is not terrorism, destruction, or violence. The leader of the Mosque calls on his people to give to charities. This Mosque also has an community out reach program that offers various service like job counseling and computer education. All of the service and sermons are open to the public. The writer states that many believe that this new turn is only a front and that the radical Islamic teaching and talks are done behind closed door and at summer camps for young Muslims. But even with these new teaching some of the old member are still part of the Mosque. In one interview the leader of the Mosque stated that he was “not interested in implementing sharia law” which is a very strict by the Koran way of punishment and life. But later stated “People who are against sharia law are enemies of Islam”
To me it sound like everyone is confused. I do believe that not all Muslim are terrorist but it is scary that how many have been taught to hate everyone but people that believe in the exact Islam religion. It is strange how the imam of the Mosque contradicted him self on several things during the interview. I have to agree with the skeptics that say the hard-core values are hidden. With so much hate within the main religion and in the past with this Mosque it is hard for me to believe that it has turn around in a short amount of time. I think it has put on a face that will ease tensions between the Mosque and the surrounding community. The extreme hardcore radicals might not be visible even from the inside but I think they will surface again on day.

Stephanie said...

Have the world’s oil supplies peaked?
Pg. 202-203

After 50 years the debate continues. It is called the “peak oil” theory, developed by M. King Hubbert in 1956. The oil experts have been divided into two camps; those who believe the earth’s oil supplies have peaked, and those who don’t. Those who don’t believe this theory say that the world has used up half of the planet’s oil stocks and the remaining supplies will face rapid depletion. In the future even higher prices and more energy shocks are beginning to look more promising. But the supporters of the theory say that oil production high point is still 20 or 30 years away. In 2006, oil reserves increased by 24 billion barrels, to 1.3 trillion barrels. But the 2006 reporting cannot be seen as accurate because two of the countries reporting the highest increase, Saudi Arabia and Iran, and their governments don’t allow outsiders to check their figures. Together it is believed that these two hold about 35 percent of the world’s reserves of oil. The worlds’ total supply of oil is 4.8 trillion barrels, which is said to be enough, at current growth rates, to delay a peak until 2030 or later. A major debate is whether all the unfound and unproven resources can be exploited fast enough to offset the peaking and decline. Matthew R. Simmons, argues that Saudi Arabia’s reserves are being greatly overestimated.
What are we going to do if we run out of oil? I’m not so sure if that is quite possible, but we are so dependent on it that it will cause severe devastation and chaos around the world. With all the technology that we have this day in age we should be able to come up with cars that can run off something else other then gas. Everybody is so money hungry. I don’t see why if the government doesn’t have enough money, what is the problem with making more money. We also need to stop paying actors, and musicians, and pro athletes these outrageous amounts of money. They aren’t putting their life on the line like our soldiers and law enforcement agencies do everyday. Priorities are so screwed up now that it’s disgusting.

Jonessa said...

Blog 4 Extra Credit
I decided to do my extra credit blog on a news report that I saw today about a man that is bearing a child for his wife. The article is called Labor of Love and it can be found on In this article it talks about men that are transgender and will have children for their wives only for the reason of the wife not being able to bear children. This was aired on television earlier today and the discussion was that it is unnatural for a man to have a baby. But in my thoughts of this article the only reason people are upset that this man is pregnant is because he found a way to get it done himself without science saying they had a part of the process. In other words, if a scientist had found a place in a natural mans body like they had originally been doing years ago, and found a way to nurture the baby, then everyone would be okay with the process. Since this couple has come up with the idea and is comfortable with the complete process then the medical staffs as well as others are looking at them as if there is a problem. People are so quick to judge other people due to the society and how the norms of life are suppose to be set. Like the article states this situations sparks legal, political and social unknowns. Now that one person has done it then others will try to have children of the same sex marriages that are transgender. It usually only takes one person to cross the line before others will follow.

Alicia said...

Alicia Evans
Journal 4
A.Q. Kahn’s Black Market Nuclear Wal-Mart pp 54-55
On February 4th, 2004, Abdul Qadeer Kahn, Pakistan’s chief nuclear scientist, went on national television and admitted that he had surreptitiously sold nuclear plans and technology to other countries. “It pains me to realize in retrospect that my entire lifetime achievements providing fool-proof national security to my country have been placed in serious jeopardy on account of my activities,” Kahn said.
The next day, he was pardoned by President Pervez Musharraf. Pakistanis were stunned when he said, “I revere him for his contribution to making the defense of the country impregnable.” He place A.Q. Kahn under house arrest. Under Khan’s direction Pakistan was successful in producing its own nuclear response. Kahn admittedly provided technology to Iran, Libya, and North Korea. Kahn’s success has a downfall: distinguishing a business opportunity, he organized the largest known nuclear black market ring. International Atomic Energy Agency has still not ruled out any other countries in participation. In 1989 was the first technological transfer with Iran, even before Kahn developed Pakistan’s weapons fully. The help started with centrifuge assistance and went on to hardware. Kahn and Tehran continued correspondence until 1996 with ayatollahs paying millions of dollars for this assistance with Kahn. In October 2003, Italian authorities intercepted a German ship bound for Libya with parts for uranium centrifuges. They were made in Malaysia from Kahn’s design. Documents turned over by Libya include precise blueprints and for design and construction for a half-ton nuclear bomb.
I don’t think the president of Pakistan should have pardoned him for anything seeing as how he was selling confidential documents and blueprints to other countries for no other reason but greed. I’m all for sharing technology, but this is on another level.