Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Final Exam Review

POL 200 final exams—covers ch. 1-8 and lecture material

Please be able to answer the folloing as your prepare for the final exam:

1. Compare and contrast three world religions that we covered in class.
2. Discuss some of the factors that constitute power, using real world examples if possible.
3. Discuss some of the roles international organizations play in today’s world, citing specific examples.
4. Do you think America is exercising its global leadership role in a responsible manner? Explain.
5. What is meant by the term “sovereignty" in relation to a state’s leadership?
6. What is Freedom House?
7. Why are democracy and a nation’s wealth closely correlated?
8. What is the World Trade Organization?
9. What is petrodiplomacy?
10. Does the European Union have a promising future? Why or why not? (This is opinion, but briefly support your position).

Please write the word “True” or “False” in the left margin next to each statement.
11. In politics, issues are rarely linked.
12. Anarchy refers to a nation that is completely dependent on other countries.
13. Constructivists believe that states are the key actor in international politics.
14. In a bipolar state system, a single state always sets the rules of the game.
15. Proponents of globalization generally endorse high transnational taxes and tariffs.
16. The democratic peace thesis contends that democracies rarely fight one another.
17. The EU has a commission and a General Assembly.
18. The Bush doctrine endorses preemptive strikes.
19. The power of terrorists to mobilize is constantly increasing.
20. Public diplomacy often relies heavily on propaganda.

Multiple Choice
Please select the correct answer to the following questions.
21. All of the following are characteristics of the Bush doctrine except
endorses America’s right to lead
supports preemptive strikes
believes in deterrence at all costs
was used to justify recent strikes in Afghanistan and Iraq

22. The United States is known globally for its
unwillingness to endure death of its own
lack of respect for United Nations’ decisions
popular celebrity culture
all of the above

23. The modern nation-state was established under which of the following:
Treaty of Paris
Treaty of Westphalia
Treaty of Versailles
Treaty of Rome

24. Fungibility means

25. Which of the following best describes the concept of power?
using one’s assets to affect events
purely tangible concept
purely intangible concept
communicating with the enemy

Short answer: in a paragraph or two, please answer each of the following:
26. When and how do you think the United States’ hegemony will end? Is there any way the United States can preserve its unipolar moment?
27. What are the three levels of analysis used to study global politics and who are the actors at each level?
28. What are some problems aggravated by or brought on by globalization?
29. What are some opportunities that globalization opens up?
30. What is realism and is it a viable theory?
31. Which individual level theory best explains world politics, in your opinion? Why?
32. Does globalization weaken or strengthen state power? How so?
33. What should be done about the immigration issue in the United States? Why?
34. What quality or qualities does our next president need, in your opinion?
35. What should the United States do about the current problems in the Middle East?
36. Are you a Democrat or a Republican and why?
37. Do you think it helps or harms the Americans more overall when American companies outsource jobs? Why?
38. What can be done about the rising price of gas?
39. What three world religious denominations do you find most viable and why?
40. Who do you think is the most admirable politician living today? Why?